Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Half Way Done!!!

I had my 4th treatment on Monday, the 18th. Basically my check up went fine. My labs were ok and I received my last treatment of the Adriamyacin and Cytoxin. I am starting to develope a few more of the "chemo" looks...my fingernails are turning dark, a little swelling in my feet and hands, but still I am very lucky. This visit took much longer. The University has implemented a new computer system called EPIC and it has been a nightmare. Needless to say my lab orders got lost and so we arrived at 9:10 am and we left there about 4:45 pm. It was my longest day yet but, it wasn't any fault of the nursing staff or the medical staff. My next treatment is on June 1st and it will be the first time for my new drug. There is a greater risk of anaphylactic shock with this one so it goes a little slower at first and is watched a little closer. Same with the second time. But all of this means it is closer to the end.
We had a visit from Kathy Weiss while we were waiting. Many of you will remember when the Weiss's lived here in Ottumwa. We had a nice talk. It was nice of her to stop by and share her prayer and words of encouragment. Once again there wasn't any shortage of patients.
We had Molly's graduation party on Saturday and we were very pleased with the turn out. It worked out really well to have it at the country club. The club did a wonderful job with both food and service so a big Thank you to them.
Well, I think that is about it for now....this is just day two so my thoughts are still pretty sluggish. I will write again soon. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. They are working.

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