Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Number 9 Done...Only 1 More To Go!

Chemo treatment #9 is over and I am anxious to get the final one out of the way. I am trying not to be to optimistic about the last treatment just in case some obstacle arises and there is a delay. There shouldn't be, but you just never know. My final treatment is still scheduled for July 13th. I offered to move it up a week to the 6th, but Dr. Thomas just wasn't cooperative with my plan. Something about it not being good for my health....like injecting poison in my veins every other week is??? This past treatment was designed to help teach me patience. Some of the strangest people were in the chemo suites this time. One of my "suite mates" was an older man that spoke very loud and expressed controversial views about every race other than white. Now keep in mind that these "recliners" are about 4 to 5 feet away from each other and you are in this room anywhere from 3 to 6 hours. Patience...that was my lesson I was to learn this week. Not sure I did, but I will continue to work on it... This gentleman, I am sure, is loved by others and is experiencing the same emotions as any other cancer patient...maybe my life lesson was more of seeing beyond the obvious...maybe it's as St. Exupery says..."It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye." Maybe we should all see more with our hearts than our eyes....but then again, I remember when Zach was only about 3 and I came home from working all day at Indian Hills. I was busy fixing supper and getting on with what I thought was the important things...as Zach chattered, and we all know he was related to his mother and could talk a blue streak....I kept on doing my meaningless tasks in the kitchen...it took this 3 year old to set me straight....with a hard tug on my arm he said..."Mama, listen to me." "I am," I replied. "No Mama," he insisted, "Listen to me with your eyes!" So you see even though my mind was somewhat engaged, my heart was not and he knew that...he knew that if my eyes were not looking at his, then my heart was not there either....so maybe we should listen more with our eyes and see more with our hearts and the remainder of our body and soul will follow....
Thanks for sticking with me through all of this ...although I may not always show it with my heart, my eyes or my patience...I am truly grateful and humbled by the outpouring of support....May God Bles All of You as He Has Me...

1 comment:

  1. In my heart, it is true, I have been blessed by you!!! What a blog! Love, Carol
