Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Only 3 Treatments Left!

I had treatment #5 yesterday so I am over the "hump." Dr. Thomas even went ahead and scheduled my last 3 treatments in the computer so there is light at the end of the tunnel. We also talked about my reconstructive surgery and according to her I can start visiting with physicians in July and schedule my surgeries anytime after August! I would really like to be completely done by the end of 2009. Guess we will see if this all works out! So far no problems with nausea. This drug is suppose to be less likely to cause that...I guess I will wait and see about the aches and pains that are more likely...they describe it as like serious flu symptoms and can be such that not getting out of bed isn't unusual. Hope that isn't the case for me. Between that and the Neulastin I will be in a pickle. My white count this time was good....my red count was low but was high enough for chemo...guess that is why I have been a little more tired. Yesterday must have been the day for the 20 something patients...there were a lot of young women wearing scarfs and getting treatment...saw one young man, Brandon, who was waiting on treatment....people with names like Brandon shouldn't be old enough to receive chemo....in my opinion. My infusion this time took much longer...it will be between 3-4 hours just for the infusion. We were still home just before 4pm eventhough we had our appointment at 7:30 am. I guess that is about it for now.

Now from the wisdom of a 10 year old boy named, Benjamin Nassau,
"Being sick just stinks!"


  1. hey Lori! I miss ya already :-( Hope you are feeling good, and getting around. I am still here in Ohio and my sister got induced this morning and just waiting to hear that she had it -- and then i will be up and at the hospital quick as a flash!! Thinking about you often, and we will have to set up a time soon to get together and catch up. Hang in There!! :-)

  2. I just wanted you to know that you continue to be in my prayers. I miss seeing you and I miss PMS!

  3. Lori--Just want you to know that I really miss you and Carol. We are leaving on vacation and I could not go without saying that you and Neal and Molly will continue to be in our prayers as we travel. The doors at the library are great, and we have had alot of positive comments especially from the elderly. Your employees were so nice to have around. Thanks for everything. God Bless.
