Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Iowa City Oncology Visit

Well we saw Dr. Thomas and Natalie (our nurse) today at the U of I. We have decided to go with their isn't anything against ORHC because they have a wonderful and competent staff, it is purely based on the fact that they have a team of health care professionals that focus on breast cancer and I like that. My first chemo treatment is scheduled for March 30th...when they said right after spring break they meant it. They gave me a bunch of scripts today for meds for nausea and anxiety...wonder why???... good news is I've lost another 4 lbs... this chemo stuff works before it even gets infused into your body! Kind of like chocolate cake with Grahams ice cream does!
Well we got a reaffirmation from the U that the last set of nodes were absolutely negative! Yeah.... they still disagree a little bit on the size of the malignancy in the other node, but clinically and treatment wise it is what they call "insignificant." They also found that upon further investigation they found several areas of what they call "lobular carcinoma in situ" in my right breast. That finding isn't at the same level of concern as the pathology in the left breast but it does indicate that several years down the road I would probably be right back in the same situation. This pathology just reaffirms to us that the bi-lateral mastectomy was the right decision.
We took a tour today of the Infusion Waiting Area and the "Chemo Suites." They are not similar to any other "suite" I have ever seen....and yet I am guessing that my stay will cost a lot more than that last suite I was in at the Golden Nugget Casino in Las Vegas! The staff is very nice and I can even take my lap top while I'm there...they have refreshments too...and it is pretty much an all day gig.
I have to go early this next time because I have to have an evaluation of my heart called a MUGA procedure. This tells Dr. Thomas how my heart is functioning and if there are any problems or concerns. They need this baseline exam because one of the chemo meds can be toxic to the heart and they need to monitor me for any of those side effects. Actually, when they tell you the side effects of the chemo meds, even compared to the benefits of the chemo meds, you kind of get the idea that you might have a better chance of coming away unscathed from jumping out of an airplane without a parachute! (Just kidding.... that kind of talk makes Neal nervous).....
Anyway, that is about it! We tried to shop to try to find me something to wear on the beach, HA! The lower half of my body looked big enough with boobs BUT take those away and your butt automatically looks twice as BIG! Plus, all womens clothes have this strange shape where your boobs are suppose to fit into SO I bought sleeveless t-shirts and that will have to do! I will still be sitting in the sand in the sun and drinking margaritas so it's still good!

Thank you to everyone for your continued kindness, food, cards, calls, gifts, books, hugs and all! We are doing OK and we are moving forward.

Closing for now...will write more before we leave for spring break!



    I'm feeling a little sentimental this evening (sorry). I know you don't remember those early years as clearly as I do, but when you have helped "raise" two little sisters your love for them is somewhat different. You always have a tendency to want to "mother" them forever. You hang in there as I will need YOU in a few years!
    What am I saying!!! When I am a resident at Good Sam you will be on an island somewhere!!! Go for it!

    Love and prayers--Carol

  2. I am talking to you like Mom would if she were here. She use to listen to me when I had problems and I would ask her what I should do. She told me one thing over and over again. TIE ANOTHER KNOT AND HANG ON! HANG ON TIGHT! I asked her what would happen when I run out of rope and she told me I wouldn't. I was from her and I was tough. I know we are from a long line of strong minded or some may call us Pig Headed, Bossy women but we are tough in the most important way. In our mind. I am so proud of you and Mom would want us all to stay close so I am sure you will be seeing a lot of your sisters for the next several months so enjoy your privacy for the next few weeks... I love you. K

  3. Hello Yates's!! We just wanted to tell you all to have a relaxing time in Mexico, you all deserve it!! Do you think that they would notice if I was your carry on? Well we just wanted to let you know htat we continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers and we will see you soon! Love Brain and Kristi

  4. Hello-
    I just was speaking with Carolyn Lehnus who is a breast cancer survivor she just had her yearly check up and she brought me several making strides for breast cancer pins and another gal stopped by Jill Mahoney who also is a three year breast cancer survivor to see how things were going and let me know that you all are in her thoughts and prayers. THer are a lot of women here that are true success stories Have a great vacation. Love Brian and Kristi
