Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Talk About Sticker Shock!

We picked up a bunch of prescriptions that I needed to have in my possession before I started my first Chemo round.... guess what!...we discovered that all of those insurance premiums we have been paying for 27 years are finally going to pay off!
Most of the meds were reasonable, but there was one prescription that contains just 3 pills. It is for nausea and it must work really well because the actually cost was $490.00! My cost was about $82.00! For 3 pills! Yes, this is something I will take each chemo round and no, that cost didn't include the other 6 or 8 meds I picked up at the same time.
Moral of the story..... the next time you see that there is a benefit for someone with cancer, (or other serious health issues) skip lunch and Starbucks and send them a few dollars. For many people the co-pays, deductibles, gas, time off work, etc. is devastating, let alone their fight with cancer. I know there is an upcoming auction on March 27th for Marilyn Cramblits grandaughter...and another one for a young man who attends an elementary school here in town....the flyers are posted everywhere.....remember every dollar really does make a difference!

1 comment:

  1. Lori,
    We will be praying for you tomorrow when you start your chemo.
    Judy & Ron Amos
