Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tomorrow .... It Begins

Well the first day of chemotherapy is almost here. I've been asked a lot of questions about how this whole process works and after tomorrow I should have better answers. I know that it isn't something that works on a perfect schedule and that a lot of things happen because other things happened or didn't happen the way they were suppose to happen!!!! If that makes any sense at all......... anyway....I am ready to get started so that I can get finished.

We are greatful that we were able to have our spring breakWe had a wonderful time in Cancun. The residents of Cancun asked that we tell everyone that Cancun is safe and that they want Americans to come and experience their beautiful city. We certainly didn't notice any difference but it has certainly impacted the area. The number of tourists is much lower.

Well, that is it for now... my appointment in Iowa City is at 8:45 a.m and they said that I will be there for the day. I will update the blog just as soon as I can. I am planning on everything going well and am hoping for minimal side effects, but if I do experience major side effects I will be glad that I have one treatment down and only 7 more treatments to go....besides with all of the prayers and positive thoughts on my behalf I know it would have been much worse without we will take the next step with determination and faith...

1 Peter 1: 6-9
This is a great joy to you, even though for a short time yet you must bear all sorts of trials;
7 so that the worth of your faith, more valuable than gold, which is perishable even if it has been tested by fire, may be proved -- to your praise and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.
8 You have not seen him, yet you love him; and still without seeing him you believe in him and so are already filled with a joy so glorious that it cannot be described; 9 and you are sure of the goal of your faith, that is, the salvation of your souls.


  1. Lots of love and prayers--see you soon!
    Love, Carol

  2. We love you lots...mason,kel, and chris

  3. You have been in our thoughts and prayers more than usual--hope that all went well yesterday.
    Miss you. God bless, Barb and Dave

  4. Hope everything has gone well this week and you are resting comfortably at home now. We have been thinking of you and your family alot lately. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Bruce, Deb, Drew, and Chloe
