Friday, April 17, 2009

Day By Day

Thankfully the side effects of this chemo treatment have been a little less challenging than the first round. I haven't had the discomfort from the Neulasta that I had the first time so that has been a good thing. I have started shedding though so it won't be long before my head is smooth but it is a temporary condition and it will shorten my "getting ready" time. I took advantage of the beautiful weather today and enjoyed the sun and warmth. We are just trying to keep to our day to day business which includes getting ready for Molly's graduation. We needed some motivation to change things up around here since it will soon be 15 years since we have moved into our house (unbelievable!). Austin (Neal's cousin) has been doing a lot of outside work for me and I am thankful for that. Cindy D and Pat S took off all my wallpaper in the kitchen and WOW what a difference. Sister Kathy came and helped and we are now ready to paint. (Think I can keep working this sympathy factor til my whole house is done???) Kidding aside, I am truly thankful and blessed by the people in my life....nobody has better family and friends than me... I guess that it is it for now...again many thanks for the prayers....this will be over before we know it!

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