Monday, April 13, 2009

Chemo #2 Down and 6 To Go

Well we are certainly learng our way around the U of I system now. We are home and have pretty much been asleep every since we got in the car. I am just a little queezy to my stomach, but I was last time too. Hopefully, the drugs will keep working and just put me back to sleep. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten that grape popsicle....I never eat grape I only eat red popsicles...ok red popsicles or nothing from now on.....I'm suppose to be trying to drink about 10 or 12 32 oz glasses of water everyday, especially the first three days so that keeps me pretty full.....

It was another busy day on the 4th floor Oncology Unit. Lots of young men and women and lots of people that the staff new by name. Your relationship with them doesn't end after your chemo ends I understand. They like to see you regularly, just to make sure your hair is really going to come back.....I bet the staff has a "pool " going on patients hair return....what month, what date, straigt, curlly....then of course you have to go back every week so they can determine who wins the pool. Dr. Thomas very sweetly and compassionately wanted to remind me that this round is most likely going to be the one that causese my hair loss.....she always looks so apoloogetic when she gives you nasty information, I told her that I was going to try hard to be a patient in the 0.000001 % that keeps their hair. She smiled and told me that would be wonderful because she has lots of patients with alopecia (hair loss) and she could use a few more patients in the other catagory to boost up those statistics. Guess we'll see....then I happened to mention that I am the person whosse luck hasnt't held up so great the last 5 1/2 years so neither of us should get our hopes to high.

Well, I guess that is it for now, there are words and sentences in this blog that doesn't make senxe or is hard to read which is why drug use should be discouraged amongst computer using adults, teens, and children.....ok....discouraged at all times in kids and teens....

Cindy D. call me in the morning...don't worry about the time I can do whatever,, not true, I can't drive and i can only walk with assistance, but hey what's the differencde between that a wild Friday night!

Thanks everygvody....I'll proof read this after drugs on thursday and correct all the mistakes, but I wanted to get the latest out.

I hope everyone had a happy Easter. Easter is a special time of year for me personally .... for a couple of reasons.....first, because God chose his only son to die early in life and in a violent way because He knew He would be safe and with Him in His heavenly kingdom and none of the pain and suffering would follow him through the gates.....Because of this I have faith that he loved my son just as his own and Zach received the same graces of mercy and love that Jesus had and that he too is rejoicing in his eternal life in a perfect world.........secondly, the most important event in christianity (at least for catholics) is the event of the resurrection. The birth of Jesus is certainly important, but the resurrection of our messiah is strictly christian. Good overcomes evil. Life overcomes Death! The resurrction gives us the hope and the promise of life aftere we leave here....we don't fully understand the hows, the whens or the whys, but we have the promise, God's promise, and that is more than good enough for me. I hope for each of you God's grace, hope, peace, and mercy during this Easter Season......I know our loved ones that have gone before us are enjoying a magnificent Easter Celebration!

"For God So Loved The World He Gave His Only Begotten Son So Whosoever Shall Believe In Him Will Not Perish, But Will Have Everlasting Life. (John 3:16)


  1. Yep, you're a little "rummy" this eve. Of course you are alway on my mind, Neal and Molly too! You probably won't remember calling me this eve. so just in case you're wondering, things went well at the store today. Hope your night is good--lots of prayers are going up for you. Many customers ask how you are and say "tell Lori Hi and that she is in my prayers". You rest in Him and I'll keep the night watch. Love you--Carol

  2. Lori:
    only a few spelling errors, ya did pretty well, other than the fact you made me cry here at work when I was reading your latest blog update. It is through your faith and your support system that you get up and go everyday I know. If only you truly knew how much you are admired for the strength you carry. For it is amazing how many burdens you can carry through the years and yet still be so positive and upbeat. Everyone always tells me how much I remind them of you, (what a compliment to me). I can only hope when I am saddled with trials that your abundance of strength and faith will carry on through me.
    You are loved,

  3. cheri, kevin, tyler, and lucasApril 14, 2009 at 9:31 PM

    hi lori, we think of you so often....neal and molly too. We,like tracey admire your courage and strength, believe that will get you through this. check on your blog often, its a great way to let people know how your doing without a million phone calls and questions. hope you will feel better soon, try to stay positive. always remember that you are in our thoughts and prayers!!

  4. Hey glad to hear from you on the blog, I check it often. (you put me to shame since you update your's more than i touch mine.... but nothing changes much on our front ;-) Well, we are praying for you and you are constantly on our thoughts. You are an amazing women and truly an inspiration to everyone you meet.

    "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great. You broaden the path beneath me, so that my ankles do not turn."
    Psalm 18:32-36
