Monday, April 13, 2009

Waiting For Chemo

We are waiting for my 2nd round of chemo to start. Labs are good except my platelets are low (132 and they like them to be no lower than 150) so they will keep an eye on that (bleed easily and don't stop without platelelts). We adjusted the schedule a little in anticipation of Molly's graduation party. I won't get my 3rd round of chemo until Wednesday, April 29th and I have to be there at 9:30 for my labs then I see Dr. Thomas at 10:00 am and then I go to the chemo suite after that and then I don't go again until May 18th. This is an early one...I have to be there at 7:30 am for labs, then Dr. Thomas at 8:00 and then chemo after that. Once I get into the chemo suites, nothing is done on a just becomes about what each patient needs and where they are in their treatments.....and patience is needed and given all the way around. After I have my treatment on May 18th I will be half way done! Yeah!!! Well they called my name so I'm off to the chemo suite. I'll write more later.

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