Friday, March 19, 2010

No News Is Good News

Just a line to keep everyone updated. I don't have to see a physician until the first week of May which is a welcome relief. It takes a lot of time running from Ottumwa to Iowa City to Des Moines, etc. Recovery from this last surgery seems to be quick and I am quickly getting back to normal (as normal as is possible). I probably won't have any additional surgeries until this fall since it is up to me when those happen . I don't want to miss out on summer this year like I did last year.

Now on the subject of hair...yes I now have is curly and I just had a few inches trimmed off the does what it wants to most days but I have a new philosophy of "A bad hair day is better than a no hair day!!! (original quote by yours' truly). Actually, I spend so little time messing with it I am looking for a style that requires the 30 seconds or less that I've become accustom to.

Actually life is pretty status quo right now which is not all bad. We are looking forward to our time at the lake and sunshine and warm weather.

Thanks again to everyone that has continued to follow me along this latest life challenge...I think this quote from Dr. Seuss sums you guys up....God Bless!

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." — Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

  1. Lori - I'm so glad to hear that life is taking on some normalcy once again. Although it may be different from what once seemed "normal" there is still comfort in some sort of routine. Hope you have a wonderful summer and continued good reports.
