Monday, May 10, 2010

Check Up's Tip Top

I had check ups this past week with both my oncologist and my reconstructive surgeon. Both went well. My blood work is great as well as my physical exams. I go back to both of them again in August. The only blood work I haven't gotten back yet is my Vitamin D level. The new information is that there seems to be a correlation between women who have breast cancer and low levels of Vitamin D...not sure how much of a correlation but enough that they are now looking at our vitamin D levels and putting us on a supplement if it is low. I should get those results later this week or next. They tossed around the idea again of whether I would benefit enough from the Tamoxifen to outweigh the risks (blood clots, uterine cancer) and they still feel that I would not. They asked me what I thought and if I really wanted to try the Tamoxifen and I told them that I am comfortable not using the drug at this time. Since I had the double mastectomy I do not have to have mammograms but I will have routine chest xrays to check for anything that might pop up. No routine MRI's or scans at this time. They ask if you have had any changes in aches, pains, itches, bumps, sore throats, colds, cough (which I have all the time), changes in body functions, etc. I can see how things slip through the cracks because it's hard to remember everything over the past 3 months all of which can be such a part of your normal aging process!
Dr. Yen told me that in the past month or so he has had several women who have gone to visit with him and told him that I referred them. I remain confident in his ability and I am pleased with him as a person and as a physician. I tried to get a kickback or once again a free tummy tuck but no luck so far.
We did the Race For The Cure on Saturday and about froze our tails off! Thank you to everybody that showed up on my behalf! I'm amazed that I have so many cheerleaders that have hung in there over the past 16 months. You are the best! The shirts this year were very nice, but the Survivor shirts were great! It was one of the best shirts you never want to own!
I am ready for nice weather! We have a bunch of graduations and weddings this spring to enjoy and I am hopeful the weather will cooperate.
After the race we headed down to the lake. Mol had to work this weekend so we took off to get a few things done there. She was exhausted by the time Sunday afternoon rolled around. She cut lose with some of her new earnings though and gave me a "Mother/Daughter pedicure outing for Mothers Day. Thanks to all of my other "kids" for the text messages and for thinking of me on Mothers Day. I am blessed to have so many great young people in my life. I know you all know it is a challenging day and it is nice to know you are thinking of me.
Well that is about all I have right now. Everybody take care and don't forget to do that monthly breast exam!

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