Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Year Past Chemo ...

It has been more than a year since my last chemo treatment and yet it seems like it has been longer than that. The bone scan I just recently had came back clear other than a little bit of arthritis in my chest and spine...I go back again at the end of October for my next check up. I see Dr. Yen on the 20th for my next check up and to schedule my next phase of reconstructive surgery. So far so good with things....people ask me if I'm "cured" or if I'm in "remission." I will tell you what I have been told; today the health care professionals tend to not use phrases like "in remission" or "cured" with breast cancer patients and they don't give a magic time frame of when you can relax about it not showing up again...they keep a close watch so that if anything does come up it can be treated quickly and hopefully effectively. Until then I will see my doctor on a regular basis so they can keep an eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary. I will post again after my October visit.....thanks again for the continued prayers and support.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear this positive news. Will continue to pray for you, your health and your family.
