Monday, February 21, 2011

Nearing The End

I had another appointment today at Dr. Yen's office. My check up was fine and so the "final touches" literally, the final touches were added...I had my tattoo's today! Never in a million years did I think I would see a plastic surgeon OR have a tattoo, but now I have two of them! All I have to say is OUCH!!!!! You have to be kidding that anyone would do this procedure without any medical reason. I am amazed at how UNCOMFORTABLE this is. I don't go back to Dr. Yen for about 8 weeks and then I wait for about 3 months and then we will decide if I need a "touch up" or if everything is acceptable. Boy, has breast reconstructive surgery come a long way! I have my next oncology appointment on 3/2/11 with routine blood work and a chest x-ray along with a physical exam. On January 14, 2011 it had been two years since my diagnosis. I remember that my goal was to be completely finished with everything in one year, I know now why that goal was completely unrealistic. I do have to say that I have been very happy with each of my physicians, and I knowing all that I know now, from a patients' point of view, I really don't think I would do any of it differently.

" A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion."
Chinese Proverb

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