Thursday, June 30, 2011

July 2011

It will soon be 2 years since my last chemo treatment...July 13th to be exact. Hard to believe really. It doesn't seem that long oncologist suggested that I give a drug called Arimidex a try. I took my first dose on the 6th of April. It has to be taken for 5 years and is suppose to help prevent re-occurrence of my cancer. My check ups have been good and I continue to see my oncologist every 3 months. I do have to have an endoscopy soon, just as a preventative measure, but that is it. My reconstructive surgery is finished and I was very lucky to have an excellent reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Lester Yen at the Iowa Clinic. My care, from the beginning with Dr. Haas and Dr. Ortell, has been outstanding....and believe me, there is no greater critic of our health care system than this old as I often do I want to leave you with a thought and a request...first the thought (and this is one of my favorites), "The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God can not protect you."...and now my request, prayer for Sadie Randall's dad and family. Early tests indicate that there is a mass, or masses, in Paul's lung(s) and in his brain. They are testing to determine if there is malignancy. Sadie is a good friend of Molly's and was planning to spend the 4th of July with us at the Lake of the Ozarks. Please hold Paul and Sadie in your prayers so that they too will know that God has not and will not desert them during these dark days and that his grace his there for them. I know that many of you who read this also know one is exempt from tragedy and I personally know how important your prayers and support are...thank you.

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