Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Another Year Passes...

It has been a year since I updated my blog.  I guess I didn't realize it had been so long until someone asked me about it the other day.
It most definitely feels as if fall has arrived.  I will be going back to the oncologist in October for another check up and some tests.  My hope is that after this next visit I will get to go to every 6 months instead of every 3....not everyone thinks this is a good idea, but I do since it signifies progress.
For those of you who have a long history with me, either family or friend, you know that I have had this annoying cough for only about 15 years or so.  Dr. Thomas, my oncologist, has referred me to a "cough specialist" to see if we can get to the bottom of the issue.  Oncology doesn't particularly appreciate my cough since it could mask other "issues" that might get passed off as my regular old self so I am seeing a wonderful physician at the university by the name of Dr. Fieselman.  He is recently semi-retired and is enjoying patient focused medicine versus political and administrative duties.  My cough is not yet resolved, but it is better and we are seeing "patterns" so I think we are making progress.  I enjoy visiting with him and he reminds me of Dr. Ebinger (for all of you old Ottumwa people like me).
Molly has returned from England and we are busy planning the wedding.  It has motivated me to do a lot of cleaning and organizing and I finally have my scrapbooking/craft room where everything is tidy, handy and organized.  Time is going fast and spring will be here before we know it.
It will soon be October and Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Regular self exams are important, so are mammograms, MRI's or other tests that your health care provider recommends.  Early detection is always best, and remember, not all breast cancers are easily detectable with self exam so if you think something is wrong get it checked out.  Since my diagnosis, just shy of 4 years ago, there has been changes in diagnosis and treatment. As much as I hate to say it, cancer treatment is in some respects still very much a guessing ame.  Should the big C diagnosis come your way it is important that you hang tough and stay strong...that is what will get you through to where you need to be.  I wish I could give you different advice, but you can and must be your own best advocate.  Do your research, ask others who have walked the walk, assemble your team of health care providers (remember you are hiring them), make well informed decisions and do what is right for you and your loved ones.  Everything else will fall into place....either as you wanted it to, or as it should be, for reasons beyond our understanding, but "it" will happen either way. You decide, you can either hang on tight and help steer the cart or you can just sit there along for the ride.  Regardless of where you end up, even if the cart doesn't go where you wanted it to, you will know that you did what you could to get it to the location you were hoping for...and that is in my opinion more important.....Happy Fall Ya'll

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear an update from you!! Think about you often and know you are probley knee deep in wedding planning. Enjoy the fall weather and if you ever make it up here to the Quad Cities please call!!
