Friday, November 30, 2012

Update and Rumor Squelch

Just had another checkup at the University and everything came back great.  I actually get to graduate to doctor appointments every 6 months now instead of every 3!  That is a milestone and since each appointment takes several hours I am thrilled!  I do want to address a "rumor" or mis-communication that has been brought to my attention.  Apparently someone thought they heard me say that my cancer has returned.  It has not.  I think that maybe someone heard me speaking with a friend who has been diagnosed and we were sharing our experiences and it was misunderstood that I have a re-occurrence   Thank you for the concern but  if or when that happens I will let you know, family and close friends first, then a blog post. I have said from the beginning that I would prefer that the truth and the facts be known instead of rumors and mis-understandings.  With that said, I do ask your prayers for a friend who is presently enduring the process of surgery, radiation and chemo with her new breast cancer diagnosis.  I know she would appreciate it.  Take care and enjoy the Christmas season with your loved ones.

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