Thursday, September 19, 2013

Prayers for Joanna

I'm not sure if anyone still gets notifications when I add a new post but it's worth a try...I have a friend who can use some prayers....prayers for strength and courage and grace...she has had more than her "fair share" (if there is any such thing) of grief...she has lost an infant son, she lost a teenage son to suicide, and over the past couple of years she has been fighting ovarian cancer....and she has actually been doing pretty well....until last night when the pain took her to Iowa City and they told her that her cancer has metastazied  to her lymph nodes and her liver....right now I don't know exactely where this is going to lead but I do know a couple of things....I know her well enough to know that she is not afraid to die...but I also know her well enough to know that she thinks it would be really great if she could spend a bit more time here on earth with her husband, her surviving children and her grandson.....I'm not sure what God's will is here...and I'm not going to tell people how to or what to pray for....I gave up on giving God a laundry list with my wants and "needs"  a long time I am going to ask God to give her whatever it is that she needs right now to do what she needs to do and the time in which to do it....I hope it's another 50 years.....but since I don't get to choose I pray that I am faithful enough to accept what is to come and friend enough to support her in the days, months and years ahead....will you please keep her and her family in your thoughts and in your prayers.

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