This also serves as a great way to reminder everyone (since this rainy day makes me think of fall), that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. So please mark it on your calendar and remind at least one person about the importance of exams. The number of people, I personally know, diagnosed with breast cancer over the past couple of years is staggering. The good new is the that the majority are diagnosed so much earlier than in past years which is a great thing! Nobody is exempt, male, female, young, old, rich, poor, nobody! Breast cancer (as with all traumatic life events) doesn't care where you are in life or what your plans are, it just quickly becomes the center that all other life events revolve around.
It will soon be 7 years since my diagnosis in January of 2009 and although many components of diagnosis, treatment and care surrounding breast cancer have changed I have found one thing that hasn't.... the fact that regardless of the stage of your diagnosis, the course of your treatment, or the potential progress of the disease, you can WIN! Maybe not always in the way everyone hopes where the cancer is treated and is never heard of again, but in the way in which you refuse to let it become so encompassing that you stop living. If you are facing a new diagnosis, in the middle of treatment or a survivor, don't allow cancer to turn your every thought into a worry and take the joy and living out of your days. Refuse to let it steal precious time and energy and LIVE your LIFE!
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