Monday, August 31, 2009

Can you believe it is September tomorrow? I myself think we were cheated out of summer! Neal and I will be taking our "annual" fall trip again in a few days. We are going over to Chicago with Molly, Chris and Kelly for a few days on the 11th and then on the 13th Neal and I are heading south...not sure how far, just south. We will be around somewhere close on Zach's birthday (the 8th) so we can have dinner with Molly and then I have a Dr.'s appointment that I have to have before my surgery the morning of the 9th. We will be back either on the 16th or 17th since I have to be in Des Moines early on the 18th for my surgery (yuck!). Anyway, as much as I dread the surgery part I am ready to move on to the next step. I am planning on coming home from the hospital on the 19th, worse case scenario on the 20th. Back to moving slow, uncomfortable bandages and drains hanging off of my body. It won't be pretty, but at least it will be done. Lisa, I may take you up on that offer to feed Neal and William, I may need a little nip of that Templeton Rye! Take care everybody, and again thank you for all the prayers and positive thoughts. Girls, remember, tomorrow is the first of the month so remember to do your breast exams!

Signing off with this little quip.............You know what they say,

"There is a light at the end of every tunnel, just pray it's not a train!

1 comment:

  1. God bless you and your family and for what you are going through. You guys are always in our thoughts and prayers. We will be praying for your speedy recovery. Not to long ago, someone sent me this youtube on Kelly Carrigan and it is entitled "Transcending: Words on Women & Strength: I thought it was wonderful and it says a lot about women and I thought of you. Keep us informed of your progress. Love you, Bruce, Deb, Drew & Chloe
