Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Step Forward...

Tomorrow is fast approaching and since I will probably be feeling "not so hot" tomorrow I thought I would post a little bit of info tonite. Tomorrow I have surgery about 8 am at the brand new Mercy West Lakes Hospital in West Des Moines. I am assuming that they have checked out all of the "important" entities such as the oxygen lines and the electrical and they are ready to have patients. Dr. Lester Yen is my surgeon and he will place my expanders tomorrow. These expanders are designed to do just as they sound, expand. They will be filled with saline, a little bit at a time, over a period of several months. They are designed to stretch the skin which prepares me for the implants. I guess this will be another learning experience but I do know this, my surgery is suppose to start between 8 and 8:30 tomorrow morning. It will last around 4 hours and I should get to come home Saturday or Sunday, but I'm going to try for tomorrow night. Neal will have his phone but they will make me shut mine off so he will need to be the communicator...if you want to text, text Molly because it will take Neal about an hour to get you texted back at his wpm speed. Otherwise, watch the blog and we will try to keep you updated (if you have nothing bet ter to fill your time). Thanks for keeping tabs on me and for following along. I'm not going to say we are on the home stretch because I don't want to "jinx" myself, but hopefully things will go smoothly and I'll be home soon.

I think this quote provides me with a "visual" about what this cancer journey has been...

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.
Mark Twain

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