Saturday, September 19, 2009

Whew...Glad Yesterday Is Over!

Well I must say that I am certainly glad yesterday is over. The worst part of the surgery for me is the anesthesia and true to form I didn't handle it well at all. The nausea was horrible and the poor anesthetist gave me 4 different meds trying to keep it to a minimum, Unfortunately for me only time works. The doctor has been in and he said I get to go home today so in a little while, after my IV antibiotic is finished, and after all of the other discharge stuff is done, we hope to be on our way home. They offered to let me stay in this brand new beautiful facility another day, but I said no thanks....brand new it is too, they have only been open for business for 10 days. Well, that is about all for now. It takes a lot more muscle to type than I thought it would so I'm going to have to type just a little at a time. Thanks for all the prayers, visits, phone calls and text messages. There certainly is strength in numbers.....

1 comment:

  1. Glad everything went okay for you, wish you could have bypassed all the nausea but at least now you have 1 down! Love you Lots! Trac
