Sunday, September 27, 2009

Post Op Day 9...Back To The Dr. Tomorrow

Tomorrow I go back to Dr. Yen and HOPEFULLY he will take these drain tubes out! They are driving me nuts...So far this surgery has been somewhat of a challenge...I think it just gets more frustrating because I'm sick of being sick...I don't know if Dr. Yen will add any additional saline tomorrow or not, I guess we will wait and see. I will also know my appointment schedule better after tomorrow. Complain, complain, complain....ok, I'm done now....I do have a couple of little "bumps" on my chest so that is good....
Just a reminder to everyone...I am also the recipient of the gift from a donor...I received a donor transplant of skin, tissue and muscle last week that was necessary for the reconstructive surgery. I have the opportunity to write to my donor's family thanking them and their loved one for this gift. Please never discount the importance and the far reaching aspects of becoming a donor. I am truly grateful that someone was selfless so that I could benefit and regain some physical normalcy....I'll keep you posted...

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