Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Moving Ahead....

So far, so good. I have had 3 "expansions" or "fills" since my surgery. Dr. Yen says that every thing looks just as it is suppose to and we are moving ahead just as we should be. I will continue to go back to Dr. Yen every week until I have finished my fills and then it will be just a matter of waiting. I go back to my oncologist in November for a check up and to make sure that there isn't any reoccurrence. My hair has started to grow back and even though it is still really short, it is hair. I am still pretty restricted in my activity which is frustrating, but I am able to do more each day. Dr Yen encourages patience, which if you know me very well you know that is not one of my best traits. Remember, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month so be sure to do your Self Breast Exams and get those mammograms. I will try to keep my blog updated without boring everyone to pieces....until my next entry I will just "keep on keepin on" day at a time.....

1 comment:

  1. All the best to you. Sending good, positive thoughts.

    And on the subject of breast cancer awareness month, I'd love you to check out this 30 sec video -- -- about the 'aha moment' of the woman who launched the Feel Your Boobies t-shirt campaign. If you like it, vote for it with one simple click, as the top vote-getters will be used as aha moment TV commercials next year. And more exposure would be a really good thing.

