Tuesday, November 17, 2009

That's What I Get For Bragging!

I have told everyone who has asked that I had just one "big" surgery left so that of course has come back to bite me in the butt! I had my 5th fill of my expanders last Monday on the 9th. A few days later I started to think that "something" was wrong. By Friday night I was sure that my "new right breast" was shrinking so I asked the expert, Neal. He said he definitely could notice a difference and by Monday it was undeniable.

I called Dr. Yen's office and he wanted to see me directly so we went to Des Moines. Sure enough I was right. I apparently have developed a leak of some kind (a few rare occurrence of course) so guess what...I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow, Wednesday, the 18th. This definitely puts a kink in my schedule! Unfortunately the need to go back to surgery affects more than just replacing the expander. Since I will have another new incision, they won't be able to fill the expander as full as it has been so that will set me back on my expansion which will set me back on being finished, which will of course sets me back for my waiting time for my final implants. Like I said, that's what I get for bragging!

So if you read this and you have any hopes or prayers for me just focus them towards my reaction with the anesthesia. The pain of the surgery I can handle just fine, but my reaction to the anesthesia is what usually kicks my butt! Oh, well, chin up and one foot forward (as soon as I get my feet to stop going backward) but without the bragging!

1 comment:

  1. Sending prayers & good wishes to you, neal & molly for a smooth surgery today. I think neal might be down for a haircut today, so we can reschedule later.
