Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oncology Check Up Today

I had a check up at the Cancer Clinic in Iowa City today with Dr. Thomas. Everything checked out just fine other than I am slightly anemic, but since I had surgery just 2 weeks ago she wasn't alarmed about that. I go back in February for my next check up. I visited with her about the proposed recommendation of not having routine mammograms until age surprise that she was absolutely not supportive of this idea. So girls, listen to your doctors, the American Cancer Society and the Komen Foundation and get those routine mammograms as recommended. I go back to Dr. Yen tomorrow (if I could stay out of doctor offices I could get something done!) for my 2 week check up from my last surgery. It seems like it has been so much longer ago than that but it was on the 18th of November. I guess since Neal won't give me any sick pay and I've pretty much maintained my regular schedule it just seems longer. Hopefully he will let me have an expansion tomorrow so we can get back on the road to completion. I will keep you posted on that visit. Until tomorrow...nite....and thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Missed your quote this time! I am thinking they would make great cards!!!! Love you and keeping you in my Texas prayers! You know the saying "Don't mess with Texas"! They think God hears their prayers first.
