Monday, January 18, 2010

I Can't Believe It!

I had another appointment today at Dr. Yen's for an expansion on my left side. Last week was suppose to be my final expansion appointment, but I was still smaller on my right side so he thought we should do another fill. He assurred me that this was quite normal and not a problem. I told him it was probably just my paranoia, but that my right side just felt "softer" and I was concerned that I had another leak. He assurred me that everything was fine and that it wasn't unusual to have to have more fluid in one side than another. We did my fill and I was on my way home.
Well, I had another visit today and again I was concerned that the right side still "felt different" from the left side. He asked what I thought, I told him, he took a look and then I saw it in his face ...the look of "you have got to be kidding me, crap, no way, this never happens, could it be that there is another leak?" So he doubled the amount of fluid and had me wait and I am here to tell you it's true! Only I could have faulty equipment TWICE!
Well we mulled over the "what we knows" and the "what we don't knows" and after much discussion (and a near miss meltdown by ME), we came up with this plan...I'm done with expanders...I am scheduled to have my implants put in on Wednesday the 27th. It isn't the optimal or usual way, but HEY....why would I start being normal now. Needless to say I am going to do a little investigation of these expanders and see what the deal is. I am the first one to accept (and support) the fact that CRAP happens and man/woman made items are not going to be perfect, but come on... two of them in one person just months apart? I'm really beginning to wonder.....but anyway, that next big surgery is scheduled for the 27th of January and then we will be recuperating in Kauai come February 8th.....wish me luck and I truly do thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers.........just imagine what would happen to me if I didn't have those!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh... i can't believe it! Sorry to hear about all problems you are having with this. But i am so glad to hear you are recouping in Hawaii!!! nice..i wouldn't mind leaving this crappy weather either. ;-) Keep up blogging i love hearing all that is going on in the yates household.
