Sunday, January 24, 2010

Next Surgery Fast Approaching

It is Sunday night and Wednesday morning will be here before I know it. People have asked me why my expander is leaking again and believe me I have no idea. I did a little research on the type of expander I have and I do know that the latest statistics I could find were from 2006 through 2008. There were just 10 reports of problems with this company, 5 from this particular brand and 5 from another brand they make. That is a total of 10 problems in 2 years and since I have had 2 leaking expanders in just 2 months I too am very curious to hear what they find this time.
Oh, well. It is that damn black cloud that follows me around I guess. I will try to put a post on Wednesday nite, but depending on the drugs in my system it may be later than that. Thanks for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes. I'll truly just be glad when this is all over!


  1. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck tomorrow as we will be thinking of you. heidi

  2. Hope all goes well for you. Will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your recuperation time!

  3. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. You are a strong and beautiful person. Hope your surgery went well and your recovery is quick. Enjoy your trip. Bruce, Deb, Drew & Chloe
